Sunday, October 5, 2014

September 29, 2014

Hola familia!!
Oh good, I just wanted to make sure that you got it. I wanted to send more in it but I ran out of time. But i promise there is more to come. I hope Adams mom is alright. That sounds miserable, I will keep her in my prayers. Sorry about the thunder storm. A few days ago there was a fire at the base down the street. They have control over all the flights into the ohair airport until they get into a certain distance. So we were kept awake by a bunch of Helicopters around 5am. They stayed almost all day right above our apartment. It caused quite a scene. But I think everything is alright now.
I hope the fall has been treating you well. Some leaves have started changing, others falling... The season seems to be as indecisive as the spiritual state of our investigators. Today it is about 70 degrees and feels like July.
Thankfully, unlike the seasons, we can actually do something about the later. So we are praying for miracles, testifying with power, and working like mad... there seems to be a continually urgency in the work. Thanks to the Book of Mormon we have been able to begin the harvesting process of many. Patience is required as well as charity. I have come to learn this week that God is in charge of it all. We simple work as if it depended on us and pray as if it depends on the Lord. And then sit back and watch the hand of God. I am slowly realizing that we can only do as much as we can do and leave the rest up to God.
La familia Torres is coming to activities but missed out on church and missed both of their appointments. La familia Maldonado is learning the hard way that their is opposition in all things. The closer they come to an answer the more obstacles they are faced with, and since they still haven't come to church, their spiritual reserve tank is about as full as the Bonneville Lake. But we were able to read out of Joseph Smith History and his experience of overcoming the enemy and that gave them a little hope. It has been difficult to keep members involved because they haven't kept appointments. However, I know that God never gives up on people. No matter how much they put worldly things about Him, He continually loves them and is always willing to forgive.
On the contrary, I have gained a testimony of the law of compensation. God always compensates for our efforts, even when our efforts are not sufficient. For example, we found an amazing investigator who has taken in 3 of her nephews kids because the mom abandoned them. She has been humbled and has truly learned to trust in the Lord and seek his guidance. I have learned alot from her example. We are excited to help her discover the gospel. Also we knocked into a less active family who had been lost in the records and havent been to church in over 20 years, and they were able to come to the women conference on Saturday! Miracles.
Ill send some picutres in a min. We had some great things this week (and last week)!! Including a really fun ward activity where everyone cooked delicious mexican food and danced. We had a great turn out.
I fasted on Saturday to ask God to give me a little more faith for the future. As I began my personal study I read Helaman 12:1 Y así podemos ver cuán falso e inconstante es el corazón de los hijos de los hombres; sí, podemos ver que el Señor en su grande e infinita bondad bendice y hace prosperar a aquellos que en él ponen su confianza. I really like the line "falso e inconstante es el corazon de los hijos de los hombres" and it got me thinking about the word constante (constant). Constant: continuous, steady, sure, faithful, stable, invariable, unvarying, loyal, trustworthy, devoted, persistent, unceasing, unremitting, steadfast. What are the characteristic of un Corazon constante? Well 1 Nefi 9:40 says “…Sé que las palabras de verdad son duras contra toda impureza; mas los justos no las temen, porque aman la verdad y son constants.” Or “…I know that the words of truth are hard against all uncleanness; but the righteous fear them not, for they love the truth and are not shaken.” So when we have a consistent heart, we firm, unmovable, love truth, and continually keep the commandments. We don’t let anything shake us from our resolve to do what is right. We have an relentless desire to serve God and have an eye single to the goal. It just got me thinking of all the things we need to do in order to have a consistent heart and stay strong in the gospel. Even though its difficult to see our progress at times, continued, daily righteous action (preseverando haste el fin) help us to develop Christ-like characters over time. I think that is why endurance is the fifth step in the gospel.
I know that as I learn to be consistent- consistent in the good habits I have learned, the testimony I have gains, consistent in in serving and always standing true to the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon- I have nothing to fear.
Thanks for all you do! I hope you have a great week!! Is there anything that I can do for you?!!  By the way, thanks for the scripture case!!
Hermana Johnson

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